Thursday, October 18, 2012

How To Combat Emotional Eating

What is stress? It is a very difficult term to define, the meaning of which is constantly evolving. Literally, stress in English means "pressure, tension." In medicine, the term defines the stress response that the body gives to a variety of stimuli, physical, psychological and environmental factors that alter the balance. Commonly, then, let's talk about stress to indicate a particular lifestyle, where the hard work, the unbalanced diet, insufficient rest, physical inactivity and the problems of a social cause our body to respond to these "pressures" potentially harmful. Stress can also affect appetite, differently from person to person. In some individuals, stress can cause loss of appetite and a tendency to skip meals, resulting in weight loss. More commonly, however, through complex biochemical mechanisms thanks to the cortisol, individuals under stress suffer from emotional eating: a condition characterized by the constant search for food, often between meals, sometimes even at night and in whatever manner of satiety. The act of eating, in these cases, it is designed to meet the nutritional needs of our body, but it helps to keep anxiety under control and helps manage the psychological problems induced by stress. The choices are oriented mostly towards sweet foods or snacks, gratifying to the palate and quick to consume. In general, those who suffer from emotional eating tend to enjoy numerous snacks in the late afternoon (maybe when returning back from work) or in the evening after dinner. It is often described as the impulse to get up several times from the couch while watching television, going to open the refrigerator or the pantry to eat a small snack. This type of behavior can lead over time to weight gain, because it is characterized by the ingestion of high-calorie foods and not necessary for the purposes of nutrient needs. How do one combat Emotional Eating There are numerous strategies to try to keep under control the nervous hunger. For example, it is very useful to keep in the refrigerator a bag that contains a variety of raw vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, fennel, radishes, celery ...) already washed and ready to eat. Another way is to keep ready a tea of your choice (eg fruit or relaxing), to drink fresh or heated-liquids, as well as allow for proper hydration of the body, promoting a sense of satiety.Even the fruit can be used for snacks, remembering not to exceed the limit of three fruits per day. Consuming proper amount of fruits and vegetables is important because they promote satiety, especially for those who have problems with excess weight, to be enjoyed as a sweet snack.The desserts are indeed the apex of the food pyramid, which means that should be eaten in moderation, but not abolished. In addition, the desserts will satisfy the palate and very often help to calm down and cheer. For sweet snacks, we recommend a small square of chocolate or some ice cream: it seems that chocolate consumption can have beneficial effects on mood, probably by stimulating the production of serotonin, a substance that induces a sense of psychological well-being and serenity.Site Meter

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

10 steps to a healthier you!

1. Water is an essential part of survival, but it is commonly overlooked. The body needs 8 glasses of water a day. Many people do not consume enough water. The first step to a healthy new you is drinking more water. It will increase your immune system and make your feel healthier than you have in a long time.

2. Knowledge is powerful, and many people stopped learning when they graduated from school. A fulfilling and healthy life must have knowledge. A simple step to a healthy new you is through learning; so pick up a book, flip on the discovery channel, or do some research on the Internet.

3. Kindness is commonly mistaken for weakness, but this is a fool’s assumption. Kindness is a great way to become a healthier person because it increases your happiness and the happiness of those around you. Try doing something nice for someone at least once a day in 2011.

4. Be active if you want to find a healthy new you in 2011. You do not have to join a gym to be active, and you would be surprised how many calories are burned just from walking and driving. Being active can be as simple as walking around the library or your local mall. Any means you find interesting for being active is good steps for a healthy new you.

5. Develop your interests. What did you love doing as a child? Many people get into the daily grind of work, and they forget that they had hobbies. Find something you truly enjoy, and do it. This is a failsafe step to becoming happier and healthier this year.

6. Strengthen your relationships. With the busyness of everyone’s schedules relationships between friends and family can easily be put to the side. A simple step for a healthier new you this year is getting back into the relationships that are important to you. Make a phone call, send an email, or make plans to meet up with someone you care about.

7. Get to know yourself better. This step may seem hard or silly, but spending sometime alone is a great way to find that healthier new you this year. Try spending time alone, and see what makes you tick. Go for a walk in nature, or sit on the front porch and look at the stars. Everyone deserves some time for themselves.

8. Be aware of what you eat. Your body is fueled by what you consume, and many people eat all sorts of stuff without even giving it a second glance. Try reading ingredient lists or use a nutrition calculator to see if you are putting things inside your body that you are happy about.

9. Sleep is something that we all want, but few of us get. Sleep is essential to health, and an important step to a healthy new you is getting the right amount of sleep. Try going to sleep when you feel tired and waking up naturally without an alarm clock. Record the amount of sleep you have gotten because this is probably the amount of sleep your body requires. Most people need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep to function at optimal levels.

10. The most important step, to a healthy new you in 2011, is to smile. Smiling will increase happiness and health no matter what the circumstances. So smile; it will brighten your day and the day of those around you!

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